Saturday, January 30, 2010
Disappointed in Something & Life is as well..
*** I feel so down, and disappointed in my lifeeeeeee and something as well.... Im actually sick & tired of doing something wrong in life, to ppl around me as well. I feel so down & hopeless about it.. But i'm trying not to show to ppl outside me.. I dont want any of them to be look down on me or worried about me... :) Im not like that kind of person, who are selfish about it.. I wont.. I will keep it all by myself, i dont wan to let another ppl worried for me.. :)
**** I tell myself, i will manage it, i will do my level best to work for it, and work hard, so that i can see myself succeding in life & career that i wanted to do & be..!! Im waiting for it to come... :) Im so tired, i love my job, i need to see myself suceeding in life & career too.. Please Lord, help & Guide me in my career & life too.....
dont let me down.... Muakss **!!
********** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 6:31 AM
Go For More In Life & Career... !!
Today's Saturday already, W/end has arrived again, wow time is flying so fast like a wind.. OMG....!! C.N.Y Is 2 more week's already, so fast.. I cannot wait to go back for CNY to my hometown.. I also cannot wait to Celebrate PRE CNY Bash on This Coming saturday 6Th FEB, i hope everyone could come for the gathering? I wish all my good & close friend's can make it.. I also dont know how many ppl will be there? OMG....
I'm going for my fav's classes today, "Line Dance & Belly Dance", yeah... Then i got appointment at 530PM with Jenn & My Bf... Then going for Movie at 740PM Fame...!!
Later probably after Mama's class going for yam cha qua? I just love to hang out with my god mother@mama eve, she is go nice to talk to u... I love spending time with her alot..!! :)
I love to spend good Quality time with all my love's one's & good friend's of mine.. They always make me happy all the time, no matter what happen to me.. They always give a big smile & big hug for me..!! To keep me so warm and nice...!!
*** I'm moving on with my career, i want to see success in life & career, i want to be Professional Insurance Agent to be success in life & career, i want to see it happen ..... :) Lord, pls help Me & Guide me with my career to make it come true.. :)
Oh Father pls be with me..!!!
Give me everything i need from you lord, pls make it come true..Thanks..
My Prayer's
1. Dear Lord, i would like to pray for myself, Grant me, guide me, lead me, help & be with me. Guide & Help me with my career, to be successfully in life & career.. I want to see myself going tru with all this.. I want to see my income coming in, so that 1 day i will get what i want to get in life...!!
Help me & Guide me, keep my relationship strong with my bf & u as well lord... Help me to go tru with watever im uncomfortable or unhappy.. Pls be with me..!!
Grant me with good health, wealthy, Prosperity in life & career, many many more yrs to come ahead of me, keep me safe & sound's, protacted me, walk with me, hear my prayer's, need's, & crie's, Take good care of me, be with me...
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
2. Lord I would like to pray for all my love's one's, My Mother, My God MOther@Mama Eve, My Bf, My God Parent's & sister's, my Families/Relativies, My Colleague's, My Good & Close Friend's, & My Friend's.
Grant them, guide them, lead them, help them, be with them. Grant them with Good Health, WEalthy, Prosperity in Life & Career, many many more yrs to come ahead of them, keep them safe & Sound's, Protacted them, walk with them, hear their's prayer's, need's & Crie's, take good care of them, be with them & Watch over them.
- Bring my Bf closer to you, love u more, teach him with ur word's Lord, walk with him.....
- Heal ur children's who are sick, heal & touch them.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
********** 30/Jan/2010, Sat, 935AM
********** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 6:31 AM
Friday, January 29, 2010
Make My Dream's & Wishe's come True in my Life..!!
Today's Friday already, w/end has come by again? Wow i cannot believe that Jan 2010 is going to finish already, going to move on with CNY & Valentine Day as well, omg, so fast time fly's like a wind.. OMG.........
I was planning to go for Belly Dance, but i was so lazy to move out already.. Maybe i need a rest from class, i did 6 Hrs per week already, i got 2 or 3 more hrs to complete my week's... Yeah... !!!
** I was wishing, praying hoping that my dream's & wishes will come true in my life, be successfully Insurance Agent in my career, to be full with money & potiencal client's as well.. Oh yEah!!! I wont give up, i want to make my dream's & prayer's come true, work hard and then u will be easy going life one day.. :) I hope & pray that i will be that suitation, seing myself success in life..!! Oh yeah.. Please Help & Guide Me father in heaven. make it come true.. :) Pls Lord, Thanks..!
Lord, i want to reach my ahivement's, Goal's as well, make it come true, pls lord.. I need ur help & support for me.. PLs Lord...
*** My Bf & Me was thinking where shall we go for Private.. :P I also want to spend more QUALITY time together alone.. But i dont know how? Not alone at all. How?
*** Valentine is around the corner as well, im being busy, going back to ipoh for C.N.Y as well, how? So i dont know how? I wish that i will have something special in life mean to me so much, to have a wonderful BF in life.. :), spend more time 2gether.. :P Loving each other, honest, loyal, trust, faith & more to come.. :) Special gift, i want a nice diamond ring or perdent also can..! kekeke..!!
My Prayer:
1. Dear Lord, I want to Pray for myself, Grant me, Help me, Guide, Lead & Be with me. Grant Me, Help me & Be with me with my career, make my career success in life so that i can do whatever i wanted to do in my life to have it as well. I want to see myself growing in bussiness and being successful Agent in life as well. Help, Support & Be with me Father in heaven.. :)
Grant Me with Good Health, Wealthy, Prosperity in life, many many more yrs to come ahead of me, keep me safe & sound's, protacted me, walk with me, hear my prayer's, need's & crie's as well, be with me father in heaven, watch over me, thanks.
- Grant my wishe's, dream's & prayer's come true in my life lord, help me with it, i want to see success in life & career standing with my own 2 feet's... Oh Lord, pls help me...
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
2. Lord i would like to Pray for all my Love's One's: My Mother, My God MOther@Mama Eve, My Boyfriend@Shen, My God Parent's & Sister's, MY Families/Relativies as well, MY Good & CLose Friend's, My Colleague's as well, My Friend's too.
Grant them all In Good Health, Wealthy, Prosperity in Life, many many more yrs to come, keep them safe & sound's, Protacted, walk with them, hear their's prayer's, need's & Crie's as well, be with them always, bring them success in life too, watch over them too, walk with them closer in ur kingdom.
- Bring my BF@Shen closer to you Lord, teach him ur word's to know u more & love u always...
- Heal ur children's who are sick, heal & touch them.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
******** 29/Jan/2010, Friday, 1040PM
******** Pauline.
dancer_87 @ 6:22 AM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
LoOkinG fOrWard aHead Of Me!!
Today's Thursday already, im going for my Fav's classes today, " Belly Dance & ZumBa", i love it so much..!!
*** Im very sad, that the club is like going to be down, because alof of my fav's classes is changing people, and some of my friend's are complaining why like that? I said i dont know? OMG, i also dont know what is happening to the club? OMG, i hope it wont close down at all.....
**** I'm getting worried of my business now, i want to success in life & career.. I want to get more prospect's/client's/Potiencal Client's as well, i need to work hard to earn what i need.. :) Lord, i need ur help, support & guidence as well.. :) Oh Lord Please be with me and guide me..!! Help me father.. :)
I'm hoping for my next appoitment with my client is next tuesday, i hopefully & pray that he will get a policy for his own..........
Im looking ahead of me, im doing my level best to be success in life & career... :)..
My prayer:
1. Dear Lord, i would like to pray for myself. Grant me, guide me, lead, help & be with me. Guide & Help me with my career, to be success in life.. Pls be with me father in heaven, so that i can stand with my own two feet's.. I Need ur help & support..!!
Make my dream's & prayer's come true Lord.. I Need to make my career success in life, so that i can buy or do whatever i want to do for so long..!! PLs Lord...
Grant Me, With GOod Health, Wealth, Prosperity in Life, Many Many More Yrs to come ahead of me, be with me, Keep me safe & Sound's, Protacted, walk with me, hear my prayer's, need's & crie's lord, be with me.......
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
2. Lord i would like to pray for all my Love's ONe's: My Mother, MY god Mother@Mama Eve, MY God Parent's & Sister's, my BoyFriend@Shen, MY Relativie's & Families, My Colleague's, My Good & close Friend's, & My Friend's.
Grant them, with Good Health, Wealth, Prosperity in Life, Many Many more yrs to come with success, Keep them safe & Sound's, Protacted them, walk with them, be with them, hear their's prayer's, need's & Crie's, watch over them..
- Bring my Bf CLoser into Thy Hand's, To know u & love u more...!!
- Heal ur children's who are sick, heal & touch them.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen
********** 28/Jan/2010, Thursday, 1005AM
********** Pauline.
dancer_87 @ 12:02 AM
Monday, January 25, 2010
**!! Wat's my head & mind?
Today's Monday Blue's already, so fast time fly's like a wind.. CNY is around the corner already, time fly's like a wind.. :) I'm in d club waiting for class.. :)
^^!! My Goal's & Dream's that i want to achieve's in my goal's & life... I want to achieve's my tardget's that i have set already, i wan to be successful in my life.. :) Lord, pls help & guide me to get many many Prospect's/Potiencal Client's/Client's as well... Hope i'll successs my career & life that i want to hit.. :)
I hope that i will make my life & career come true.. :)
Lord, im glad that i have a wonderful people's around me & boyfriend as well.. Thanks Lord, foreverything u have bless me with...
My Prayer:
1. Dear Lord, i would like to pray for myself, help me, guide, lead & be with me. Help me & guide me with my career to be sucessful in my career that i want to do & be lord, pls be with me & help me..!! Help me father........
- Sometime's i feel down & not being myself, Lord, help me & give me Confidence, Wisdom, Encourage, Strength, Trust, Faith, Braveness & More to be sucess in life & Career as well too. Give me strength, Trust & faith in each other, stay the relationship strong inside me..! Oh Lord..
Grant me with Good Health, Wealthy, Prosperity in Life, Many Many More Yrs to come ahead of me, Keep me Safe & SOund's, Protacted, Hear My Prayer's, Need's & Crie's, Walk with me Father, watch over me, make my dream's & prayer's come true with my career & life as well.. Thanks Lord..
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
2. Lord i would like to pray for all my Love's One's: My MoTher, My God Mother@mama, My Boyfriend@Shen, My Families, My God Parent's & Sister's, My Good & Close Friend's, My Colleague's as well & My friend's.
Grant them all in good health, wealthy, Prosperity in life, many many more yrs to come ahead of them, keep them safe & sound's, Protacted, Hear their prayer's, need's & crie's as well, walk with them, take good care of them.
- Oh Lord, I surrender my Boyfriend@Shen life's into Thy Hand's, to be with him, teach him, walk with me, bring him more closer to you.
- Heal ur children's who'r sick's, heal & touch them
In Jesus Name, I Pray Amen.
*********** 25/Jan/2010, Monday, 445PM
*********** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 12:29 AM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My Life is full of Love, HappyNess, & etc else..!!
Today's Sunday already "Holy Holy Holy Holy", i sang Duet with Aunty Esther, I'll Walk with GOD, i was ok at first, but i was so nervous when i got sing infront of everyone with A.Esther.. !!
**!! Wow time's flying so Fast, and running short of time already.. I need to work hard and focus on my career as well.. I need to earn more money for my career, to build up my incoming and etc else..!! I want to see myself suceeding & success in life, with everything i want & need in my life.. !!
I want to see success in life, with building my career with flying colours of money & life ahead of me..!! :) I wan to suceed my career... :)
** Im so Happy, Glad to find my another half in my life..!! I know my bf since 2004, december in NS, we meet up after we came back from NS, then we got together around middle of 2005, we had good time together knowing each other so well, then he left to Sydney for further studies so be didt break up, but we were far relationship...!! So till 2004 or 2005 till 2010, about 4 or 5 yrs already we knew each other, actually we were waited for each other, till now we get back together again..!! :)So now my Baby is going to leave me again, around 1st march 2010, to sydney back for studies again, for his final year..!! :)
I want to have a bright future & life ahead of me.. I want to build up my Career, My Life & My own Family as well..!!! :) So i need to work hard for my career to earn that amount & etc is ahead of me.!! Need to focus and work hard.!! :)
My Prayer:
1. Dear Lord, I would like to pray for myself. Grant me with ur Guidence, Leading, being with me & Helping me.! Help & Guide me with my career, to be success & suceeding in my career.. I need to reach the targdet's that i have set for ..!! I want to get alot of Client's/ Prospect's/ Potiencal Client's as well.. Help me father in heaven, to make it come true with alot of good client's, i need their help & support of it..!! PLs Lord... Make it come true..!!
Grant me, with GOod health , wealthy, Prosperity in Life, Many Many more yrs to come ahead of me, keep me safe & sound's, protacted me, hear my prayer's, need's & cries, walk with me, help me with my career , my life, my relationship with everyone as well... Thank You Jesus.
In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
2. Lord, i would like to Pray for all My Love's ONe's: My Mother, My God Mother@Mama, My Bf(Shen), My God Parent's & Sister's, My Families, My GOod & Close Friend's, My Friend's, & My Colleague's as well.
Grant all of them in Good Health, Wealthy, Prosperity in Life, Many Many More Yrs to come ahead of them, Keep them Safe & Sound's, Protacted as well, watch over them, hear their prayer's, need's & cries as well, be with them always.
- Look after my bf as well, to bring him closer to u, know your word's of Lord, and bring him closer in ur care & kingdom.... May u be with me, grant him slowly to know u..!! Thanks Father...
- Heal ur children's who are not well, heal & touch them..
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen..
3. Keep the world safe & sound's, Protacted, Keep the world away from Harm, World without end..
In Jesus Name, I Pray Amen.
*********** 24/Jan/2010, Sunday, 905PM
*********** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 4:45 AM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
**!! Enjoying Life, meanwhile working hard for career.. !!
Today's Thursday already, im going for my fav's classes, " Zumba, Belly Dance & Zumba", i love it so much.. :) But i want to go for Salsa on Friday nitez, but i hopefully i can make it, it wont end..:)
*** Im moving forward with my Career, My Life, & More to come ahead of me..!! :P Going on with career, working hard to earn as much money, and get potiencal Client's as well, to support & help me as welll... I really need it.. !!
I was so happy that my mother, my aunty & god mother, was so Happy when they saw my Bf & ur Future Son In Law i guess.. Keke... I was so glad.. :P He was ok as well..
Im going to be Engaged & Purpose from my Bf.. He is going to ask me that........ :)
I hope my dream's & prayer will come true... He is my Special Bf in Life.. :P I love him so much, till i die.. :P I dont know what to say already.. :P Olalalalalalal..
*** Now i need to focus on my Career, & My Life as well. I will not give up. I need to sustain my career & client's as well... To be success in life.. :P Oh yeah...!!!
My prayer:
1. Dear Lord, i would like to pray for everything.. Grant & Bless me with Blessing, Guidence, Leading & Being with me. Help & Guide me into my career, & My life as well.. :P Help me to sustain & success with my career to be suceeded.. :P
Grant me with full of Potiencal Client's as well, help me to grown my bussiness life.. :) Oh yeah.. !! God..... :) Im going nut's already..... Life is stressful... :P
God PLs Grant Me, with GOod Health, Wealth, Prosperity in Life, Many many mores yrs to come, Keep me in safe & sound's, protacted, keep me away from Harm, Hear My prayer's & need's Lord.... Be with me, walk with me, walk with & help me when im in the darknesss....... Strength me, give me the confidence & etc else father.. In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen...
2. LoRd, I Would like to Pray for all My Love's One's: My Mother, My God Mother@Mama, My God Parent's & Sister's, My Relativies, My Families, My BOYFRIEND, My Good & CLOSE Best Friend's, MY Friend's as well, & My Colleague... :)
Grant them all with Good Health, Wealthy, Prosperity in Life, Many Many More yrs to come ahead of them, Keep them safe & Sound's, Protacted, Keep them away from HARM, Walk with them, Hear Their Prayer's, Need's & Cries, Walk with them & Guide them... :) Be with them....
- Heal ur children's who are not well, heal then & touch them... :)
In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
***************** 21/Jan/2010, Thursday, 945AM
***************** PaulinE... :)
dancer_87 @ 6:44 AM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
" I moving forward with my Career".
Today is Tuesday already, im planning to go for my fav's classes, " Latin & Belly Dance".. yeah!!!
*** I need to focus on my career, moving on with my career, getting more client's/prospect's/ Potiencal Client's, to move on with my career, building up my career, to be successful in my life & career too.. :)
I hoping to be successful one day with what i want & need... :)
To be continue.. :P
********* Pauline
dancer_87 @ 7:21 AM
Monday, January 18, 2010
" A New Week & Happy Moment's.. "
a href="">

Today is Monday Blue's, i'm planning to go for " Zumnba Class", later in d evening?
Wow so fast it's going to be end of the month of Jan 2010 already!! Cannot believe it, CNY is about to come already? Wow...
** I need to focus, on my career, to work harder in life, get more Client's/Prospect/Potiencal Client's & GO for More? !! Yeah!! I need to focus to earn more money, achieve's my goal's & Dream's that i have wishes for? Yeah i cannot wait for it to come ahead of me..!! Coming up soon!! :) Im planning to set my Goal's & Achievement's that i want to tardget for.. To go South Africa & Inner Mongolia with the company i need to do bussiness more then 3K per person..!! I need to tardget for more customer's get more then 20 ppl in the month? Yeah!! Wish me good luck's, hope everyone could help me abit a bit..!! Oh yeah!! Pray for me.!!
** I'm already planning & set my event's for PRE CNY BASH GATHERING already, and more to come ahead of me.. I always so execitied and happy to see all my good Friend's in the club. Who always there for me.. Im so blessed..!! Oh yeah..!! Thank You..!! :)
May GOd Bless me, Hear My Prayer....
*** Keep everyone good health, wealth, Prosperity in Life, Many Many more yrs to come, keep each of everyone of us, safe & sound's, Protacted as welll... :)
In Jesus Name, I Pray, AMen. TQ!!
******** 18/Jan/2010, MONDAY, 12PM
******** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 5:42 PM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Bad Experience...
I was so dissappointed in myself, b'coz its not the 1st time i did the same mistake.. :) I was so in the hurry & panic as well, b'coz i lost my freaking parking ticket, i got to pay RM50 for the damm crazies parking fund? Hated it so much.. I dont blame other's ppl, i blame myself, why so careless, i lost the ticket.. Hai yah.. :(...
** But the funny think i was so happy & glad when i see my god mother, who always cheer me up all the time. Thanks for everyone being so nice to me.. I so release now.. :).. I was down just now.. When i get out, then i feel so release... :)
Now im so freaking early at d club, so now im at Gardens club suffering net lor, got to wait another 2 hrs for class.. So im going to suff net then go and walk walk around in d shopping mall.. :)
******* Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 1:07 AM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Disappointed in Life..!!
I'm updating for Tuesday & Wednesday, 12/1/2010 & 13/1/2010.
I was very happy on Tuesday, b'coz i got my fav classes to go, "Latin & Belly Dance".. I was execitied to learn new thing's because i want to go further into dancing, i want to be professional dancer & teacher soon, someday.. I want to make my dream's come true.. I know i can do it... :P
But now, im so worried, stress, tired, & sick of, im doing Insurance Line, its ok, but im so sick when they ppl say's i already have, dont even want to help a friend.. OMG.. Sorry to say, but im so tired, i feel like giving up on it, but i dont want to give up. I want to see success in my life..:)..
Dear Lord, i Need ur Help & Gudience to lead me on with my career. Help me with me career. I'm baging you LORD.. PLs Help Me & Forgive me..
My Prayer's
1. Dear Lord, I would like to pray for myself, Help me, Guide, Lead, & Be with me Father, help me with my career, to be success in life, & suceed too.. PLs father i really need ur help... Get me more client's, potiencal client's too, pls father... I want to make more money, and get a steady career, income too.. PLs help me father...
- Hear my prayer's & need's father, pls help me with my career.. I need ur help to guide me & Be with me father.. :)
Now i just need a break from everything.. :) Im very tired, till i dont get enough rest.. :(.... Im very dissappointed in life, why why ? Im so tired, till sometimes i dont know what to do already. I feel like giving up alot of thing's... :(... But i know you Father, will heal me & guide me into my life again.. PLs father.. :)..
May You Grant me in good health, wealthy, Prosperity in life, Many many more yrs to come ahead of me, keep me safe & sound's, protacted, hear my prayer's & cries father, walk with me, & be with me...
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
2. Lord, i would like to pray for myself; My Mother, My God Mother@mama, My God Parent's & Sister's, My Families, My Good & Close Friend's, & My Friend's. May you grant all of them good health, wealthy, prosperity in life, many many more yrs to come, keep them safe & sound's, protacted, walk with them, hear their prayer's, & need's, walk with them.
- Heal ur children's who are not well, heal & touch them.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
*************** 13/1/2010, Wed, 950AM
*************** Pauline.
dancer_87 @ 5:31 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
I'm seing ahead of me..
Today is Monday Blue's again, wow time fly's so quick like a wind.. :) Im planning to go for Zumba class, im at myoga already, waiting for class to start...
I'm hoping that i will be success in my life with my career...!! I want to be Success & Suceed in my career & life.. :) I want to achieve's my goal's & dream's in d future, so im hoping to achieve's my tardget's & goal's too.. :)
I want to be Professional Insuarance Agent.. I want to get alot of prospect's, my client's & more... I hope GOD will guide & help me with my career to be success in life.. :P So lord, pls help & guide me, walk with me..
To be continue..
********* 11/Jan/2010, Monday, 410PM
********* Pauline
dancer_87 @ 12:04 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Heading Towards My Career, My Life & More to come..
Today is Saturday already, time fly's so quick like a wind.. OMG... How fast could it be.. :) I'm planning to go for " Line Dance, Belly Dance & Zumba", keke.. See who are going for Zumba later... Back to Zumba again..!!!!!
*** I'm heading towards my career, i wanna to work hard, i want to achieve's my prospect, goal's & achievement's that iwant to do and be...!! Im waiting for it to come.. I'm looking forward to achieve's it... Oh Yeah!!! But i need mY Father to help me & guide me into my career, walk with me in the darkness of light... Pls father in heaven pls help me & bless me with alot of ppl coming ahead of me..I really need more then 50's ppl in the year, pls lord, be with me, help me, & guide me into my career, shine upon me with the career & ppl of light... :P
Lord, i'm want to thank you with all u have blessed me with.. May u continue to be with me.. :)
My Prayer
1. Dear Father in Heaven, May you continue to bless me, help me, lead, guide & be with me ... Help me & guide me with my career, make it success & succeed in my life with ur blessing upon me FAther... :P May you be with me...
Help me to success & succeed in life, help me to get many many ppl coming towards me.. I want to be Professional & Success in life... :P
May You Grant Me, With Good HEalth, Wealth, Keep me Safe & Sound's, Many MAny more yrs to come, Protact me, walk with me, Help, Lead, Guide, & be with me, hear my prayer's & need's that i really need ur help & Guidence, pls father, take good care of me. May Ur Angel's be surronding me, keep me safe & sound's, protaction, Lay your blessing & touch upon me to keep me safe Without any harm upon Me. TQ.
In Jesus NAme, I Pray, Amen..
2. Lord, I would Like to pray For ALL My Love's One's; My Mother, My GOd Mother@Mama, My Families, My Relativie's, My God Parent's & Sister's, My GOod & Close BEst Friend's, & My Friend's too.
May You Grant each of everyone of them, Keep in Good HEalth, WEalth, Keep them protacted, Safe & Sound's, Many Many More Yrs to come, walk with them, hear their Prayer's. May Ur angel's BE surronding them, keep them safe & Sounds', Protacted, & Lay your blessing & touch upon each one of them, to keep them safe Without any harm upon them. TQ..
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Hear our prayer's & need's, look after them.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen..
********* 9/Jan/2010, Saturday, 925AM
********* Pauline.
dancer_87 @ 6:43 AM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
^^!! Heading towards my life & career...
Today is Thursday already, im going for " Belly Dance & Zumba", my fav's classes & major dance that i wanna to teach in the future as well...!! Keke!!!
** I'm heading towards my life & career.... :)... Im going towards my career that i wanna to ahieve's & heading my goal's too..!! :) I want to be successful Insurance Agent, that i want to achieve's it.. I want to be successful in my career..!!!
To be continue later....
dancer_87 @ 2:35 AM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I"m Hoping for miracle & good new's happen?
** I'm updating my Blog for Tuesday 5/1/2010 & Wednesday 6/1/2010...
Tuesday, i'm planning to go for my fav classes " Latin & Belly Dance", i love it so much.... Wednesday, i'm planning to go for "Belly Dance & Hip Pop", i love it too... Need to burn some fat's i want to lose weight somemore... Keke!!
Dear Lord,
I want to confess & recommittied myself into THY Hands & Care upon me...
Please Help me & Guide me with my Career@Insurance Agent, i want to be a successful Insurance Agent & Dream career that i always love to do & be..
** Please Help me with my career to be successful, help to get more ppl to come to me, so dat i can start my bussiness running & success.. I want to earn my income, i want to be successful Insurance Agent in my life.. Help me lord..... Hope that i will see my income & bussiness coming in... Help me lord.. Thank You Father...
Help me with my career, my dream career, my life, my lifestyle, my soul mate & etc else lord.. PLs help me.. Thank you...
My Prayer;
1. May You Grant me with a good start of my bussiness, able to start.. Help me, Guide, Lead & Help me on my career, to get alot of money, ppl as well.. I want to be successful Professional Business Women & Dancer too.. PLs father in heaven. PLs bless me with my need's, hear my prayer's & need's too...
Grant me with GOod health, wealth, Protacted, keep me safe & sound's, Many many more yrs to come ahead of me, hear my prayer's & need's again lord, walk with me closer in thy hands, and take good care of me...
Help me with my career father...
Thank YOu..
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen..
2. May you Grant all my Love's One's; My MoTher, My God Mother@Mama, My GOd Parent's & Sister's, MY Future BF, My Relativies, MY Families, My Good & CLose Best Friend's, MY Friend's too..
Grant them in good health, wealth, keep them safe & sound's, many many more yrs to come ahead of them, protact them, hear their prayer's, take good care of them, walk with them closer into thy hands lord, bless them, heal them..
- Heal ur children's who are sick, heal them, take away their sickness away...
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
********* Tuesday 5/1/2010, & Wednesday 6/1/2010, 945AM
********* Pauline.
dancer_87 @ 5:31 PM
I"m Hoping for miracle
dancer_87 @ 5:31 PM
Monday, January 4, 2010
^^!! I'm Hoping For Good Start of the year, Good Week's, Day's Month's & Year's to come ahead of me..!!
Yekssss... Todays Monday Blue's again, wow time fly's so quick. Everyday is passing so QUICKLY, soon i think its going to be middle of the year already, time is running so fast, life's short again.. OMG....
** I'm hoping, planning & Praying for a good start of the year.... I want to build up my career, my dream career, my life, my lifestyle, my new best friend's, & many more to come ahead of me..!!
I want to have a good bussiness running & growing slowly, to build up my career, to be more steady, achieve's my goal's, & etc else.. I wanna to be a Successful Professional Insurace Agent, & Professional "Latin Dancer", too... I need to get many many prospect's, Friend's, love's one's, & many more ppl to support & help me to build up my career, to be strong... I need Your Help, Leading, Guidence, & Be with me Father in Heaven... I need ur help & support Jesus......
** Pls help me with my career, i wanna to see its happening with d good start of the year with my career...!! :), pls be with me Father....
Dear Lord, I wanna to thank you for everything u have done for me Before i know.....
Jesus, Hear my prayer's & Wishes that i had asked before...
1. May You Grant me with my career, help me, lead, guide & be with me, help to grow my bussiness to be successful Professional Insurance Agent & Professional " Latin Dancer" too.... Help me to get more ppl to support & help me with my career, pls lord, bring all the ppl to me.. So that i can slowly building up my career to be stronger, i dont want anyone to look down on me..!! Oh Lord, pls help me & lead me...!! Thank You Father in Heaven.... Pls be with me... Hear My Prayer's & Need's Lord... Make it come true....
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen..
2. May You Grant me A Mr Prince ChaRMING, Who love's GOD's, Christian, Loving, CArrying, Honest, LOyal, Trust, Faith, Understanding, Able to support each other whenever in deed, & love each other till we die...
In Jesus, Name, I Pray, Amen.
3. May You Grant all My Love's One's; MY Mother, My God MOther@Mama, My GOD, My Future Bf, MY God Parent's & Sister's, MY Good & Close Best Friend's, My Relativies, My FaMILIES,& MY Friend's too. May You Grant them in good health, wealthy, Many Many more yrs to come ahed of them, keep them safe & sound's, Protacted, Hear their prayers & need's, be with them, walk with faith & GOD too... Bless them always, take good care of them too.
- Heal ur children's who are sick's, TOuch & heal them...
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
********* 4/Jan/2010, Monday, 830PM
********* Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 4:12 AM
Friday, January 1, 2010
I canNot Believe dat X'mas is going to End, & New Year has comes..
Today is Saturday already, im at Gardens Club listening to X'mas song's, i wanted to cry and so emo, thinking all my old friend's that has gone with GOD.... :(..Signffffffffff.... So sad....
** While waiting for my Fav's classes so start " Line Dance & Belly Dance", after that i dont know what to do already? SO bored?
Now, im so emo, thinking what has passed in 2009, now already 2010, dont know when Is my turn to leave the world..... But i dont want to leave the world yet, i havent acomplish my tasks yet... I havent get a steady income, & career that im doing now? :)... So i need to work hard for my career, & my life... Life's short as i told you... :(....
Im so heartbroken, what has passed before? Who has hurt me so badly cannot be replace or fix back my brokeness.... :(... I have gone tru alot of hard life my child hood day's.... So in my future for my Children's, i dont want them to suffer what i had gone tru before... I want them to have a education & good life ahead of them...:)...
I'm so broken hearted, but only 1 person who can heal me & make it come true is MY FATHER in heaven.... That he has given my life to the world....... :)... So i hope thet GOD will continue to hear me & bless me eternal life... :)
God may you grant all my wishes & prayer's that i had asked for. May you bless me....
******** 2/Jan/2010 Saturday, 1110AM
******** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 7:00 PM
* A New Year, A New Life has begin & A New Start!
Dearest everyone i love & know... Its already the new year of 2010, Jan... So fast time fly's like a wind of the world..... :P
Cannot believe is new year already, wow...!! Today is Friday already, 1st Jan 2010.. W/end has arrived as well, wow...
** I hope everyone has a good start of the year with GOD's Help...!! May GOD Bless all of us with his blessing shine upon each one of us, with good start, new life, new career, new chaphter and more.... Then we will have a good end of the year coming..!! May GOD shine upon us with his blessing shower upon us..!!
"Happy New Year", to all of u, wish all the best in ur life..!! Amen..
*** Thank You Father that u have shower all ur blessing towards me with ur love, care & more inside me..!! I wanna to confess, recommitted myself into THY Hand's.... May you grant me, all that i need from you LORD, pls help me.. TQ Father.....
May You Grant all my prayer's & wishes that i had asked you before.. PLs make it come true.. I wanna to see myself suceeding myself of my career....... May you Father...........
1. May You Grant me, Lead, Guide, Help & Be with me, in my job@CaREEr, help me.. I want to earn and do what i need to do, help me.. Bring me & help me with my new career to start with the bussiness going on.. Walk with me Father, so that i can see myself succeeding & success with my career Insurance Agent & Dancer too... LOrd, i need ur help & support, so that i can stand on my own 2 feet... Pls help me father.. I need your help, walk with me & guide me...! Thank You Father.. In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen...
2. May You Grant me a Mr Prince Charming, into my life.. Who Love's GOD, Love, Honest, Carrying, Understanding, Honest, Loyal, Loving, Able to support each other whenever in deed, & love each other till we die....
3. May You Grant all my LOve's one's; My Mother, My GOD, MY GOD mother@MamaEve, My God Parent's & Sister's, MY Families, My Relative's, MY GOod & Close Best Friend's, MY Future Bf, & MY Friend's too... Grant all of them GOOD health, WEALTHy, Many more yrs to come ahed of them, keep them protacted, Keep them safe & sound's, be with them, hear their prayer' & need's, walk with them, take good care of them, be with them always................ May you Bring them joyful, prosperity in Life, & more..
- Heal ur children's who are sick..
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, Amen...
*************** "Happy New Year", 1/Jan/2010, 920AM
*************** Pauline..
dancer_87 @ 1:28 AM