Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'm so shOck & Sad to hear MJ Has leave the World... :P

Hahahha.. Im back to update my blog again.. I was so busy....

OMG, i cannot believe that MJ has gone from this world already, its was 2 soon and shocking new's to hear him that he's gone with a sad life's he has been thru... :P So heartache to hear that... :P I cannot believe he's has gone from us.. :P Im going to miss the King Of Pop@MJ so much.. B'coz he's was the best singer and dancer of Moon Walk.. :P I love his move's and song's very very touching by his word's and he's life's.. He has touches so many many ppl life's by MJ.. How could he died so early.. :P We miss you MJ & Love u always, we do remember you in your heart... :P May your soul be in PEACE.................

When i saw his memorial on Live... :P I was so touch's by his song's, his friend's, fan & Families AND HIS SONG"S as well.. SO touching.. :P When i watch his memorial, i non stop crying since starting till the end... :P How could he go so early.. :P Life not fair for him... :P To leave his families and children's of 3... :P Miss him... :P

Whenever i hear his song's i will be thinking of MJ and i'll start to cry... :P

We love you MJ.. U rock... :P Love you...

****** Im updating my blog, Friday, 922, 10/7.
****** LOve Paulin

dancer_87 @ 6:17 PM