Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hmm dont know what to say already so i choose Open Topic of mE...!!!

Oh yes, i went for my favourite's class in the morning and early noon as well.. Im so tired and backaching all over as well.. Hmm!!!

After Samba class, dorris and me went for makan together we had good time talking with each other and then CK came after that we set down and che chat for long.... Hmm.. Im feeling so weired some ppl acting and behaviour... :( so wired i felt, i dont know what happen and why they are acting like that....

I just meet two new fren's and her mother as well, they are so sweet and nice to me, we had great time together che chatting and makan together... I feel sometimes they are too nice and dont know how to apprieate them or me sometimes as well.. They are so sweet doesn't look like mother and daughter...
I will not lose this oppournity to let go of them, i will take good care of them and i want to know them and get close to them more.
I dont want to be irrating and annoyed sometime's... :P I want to know them from far away from me.. :P But in my heart and mind, always my love's and care's and good relantionship as friend will be always there in my hearts and mind for them all the time.. :P
I hope they will understand me well enough... DONT JUDGED BY THE COVER BEFORE YOU KNOW THE PERSON WELL ENOUGH... :P I dont want to sound so rude and proud... Im a nice person, friendly, loving, carrying, outgoing person, love to enjoy love's and good fren's around me, treat them nice and well feed as well, happy go lucky kind of girl as well and etc else.. I dont lost my promise and i will do it, what i say and promise already.. I dont like to broke my promise and etc else as well.

I love to mix new friend's around me, when i know too well, i will not lost them at all, i will keep them close in my heart and mind, i will not forget what they had give me happy memories as well.. :P I will cherish they friendship and etc they shared with me.. :P
I hope the person will read it and dont judge by the cover, if you dont know the person well enough ok.. Got it.. I dont want to sound rude or proud.. I hated that... :P

Love u all, so much...... :P

****** Im updating my blog at the club, Tuesday, 405Pm.
****** Luvs Paulin

dancer_87 @ 12:55 AM