Monday, February 22, 2010
PraY for MiracLe's HappEn..!!

** I hope that someone will take the club, so that everyone of us dont have to go somewhere else, we all miss the club and love the club so much.....!! I hope miracle's could happen.. :)

I want to pray for everyone who are so down, no job and everything else for indivual's of their need's, prayer's as well, pls hear their prayer's, help them to calm down, able to get their job as what they want in their live's, pls be with them LORD, help them, they are all so down, they have lose their work's in both Gym's too, pls help them, bring them job's to sustain their live's & career...

Im more worried of someone .... u know who im talking about, she is so worried, till she is not being herself, she has being so happy since she got the career that she like's and now, she has lose again, its closing down for good, pls help her LORD, she is in pain of no...... .!! I hope u Lord, will help her, guide her, lead her, be with her, and heal her pain in her heart & leg's....!! Be with her LORD....

Keep each of everyone of them, Grant them, GOod Health, Wealth, Prosperity in Career & Life, Beauty, Keep them safe & sound's, Protacted, Be with them, help them, walk with them.

All this i pray in Jesus Name, I Pray Amen..


dancer_87 @ 4:22 AM