Monday, February 22, 2010
M.Y, I so heartbroken... :)!!

Today is Tuesday & 10th Day of C.N.Y.. :)I'm going for my last fav's classes today, so sad to say this, "Latin & Belly Dance", so sad, im going to miss "SHAKING BELLY DANCE", I love the class so much, so i hope i can follow mama's all over to polish my belly move's......

Oh NO, if not im going to be fat lor.......

I'm going to miss all my love's one's, good friend's & close friend's, and the club too, b'coz we have a lot of Sweet memories we spend QUALITY time together....... Im going to cry already....

23/FEB/2010, Tuesady, 1005AM

dancer_87 @ 5:54 PM