Wednesday, September 2, 2009
WhAt A LoNg Day!!!

Hahahaha... I went out from house this morning around 830Am, i got lost in the whole Cheras area... I tooked the wrong wrong road, so i ended dont know where? Luckly i make out my way out from the ulu plc i went..!! So take another big round again!!! So i finally make to Hong Lock!! Luckly my good friend Jax, told me the way..!! So i manage to get there as soon as possible..!! Oh yeah..!!!

So we practice till 1145AM..!! So after that we go jalan jalan in Alam Damai@Cheras.!! So before we go to myoga, jax took me to her house.. I saw Jia Nee's & Her cute handsome son.. So long havent seen Jia Nee's already..!! Miss her alot..!!

So lucky we make in time for our belly class with Ezen in the club..!! Hahah!!! What a day?

So after lunch around 530PM i went back for a while & have a quick nap, i woke up late.. So i quickly rush to myoga for class..!! Luckly i make it in time.!! Wow...!! Its was kinda of bored & fun as well...:P Hope to look forward for an execting class..!! Next week....

Tomorow will be another heavy & execting day again.. I got to wake up early tomorow, got practice at 9AM, then rush to class at 12noon at CF, then 845Pm with Jason..!! WOw.... Need alot of energy tomorow..!! Wow!!! I love & like it..!!!

Im so tired Already, i need to do some ironning before i go to bed..!! If not i dont have time.....


******** Wednesday, 2/9, 920PM
******** Love's, By Little Baby Angel, PaulINe Potato..!!

dancer_87 @ 6:06 AM