Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What's in my Minnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddd!!!
Hmmm what is in my mind now.. ? I also dont really know what is happening to me.. :P
I got alot of worrie's and taught's that i want to do and havent been done.. :P
I'm getting worried and emo of it.. :P Sometime's you all dont see it on my face, b'coz i never show it on my face whenever im out from house.. B'coz i dont want anyone to be worried for me.. :P ONLY 1 PERSON KNEW WHAT IS GOING ON IS GOD WHO KNOW'S I'M HAVING TROUBLE AND WORRIE'S.....................!!!!!
Sometime's nobody can able to heal's my feeling's and what its been hurt before.. :P
Sometime's ppl think's im small kid or childish... U all dont understand and dont know what i been thru before in my kiddo time.. :P Its never ever going to be heal of my brokeness that its already been broke before.. :P Who can replace my heart of sad feeling's that still hurts me till now.. :(.... I'm very very sad and always worried thats what is going to happen around me... :(... Im so sad, disappointed & etc.. Execuse me im also human being ok.. :P PLz respect me as well.. :P
Since i was born, some ppl doesnt like me, always bad stepping on me till now.. :P Its never ever going to be heal by the sadness and hearts breaks of my poor heart... :P I have waste alot's of tear's of mine till now as well.. Who can understand me and able to cure its.. Its only my father in heaven who able to provide me what i need's and help from you god.. :P I never ever ask for more....
Sometime's i dream of bad thing's happen and wired as well.. Hardly i can get a nice nice postive dream's that i waited for for for soooooo sooooo long.. :P Sometime's i dont understand what im doing and thinking of... :P God god..... :P
Sometime's i feel like going somewhere that no body could ever find me.. :P Whenever i think of those my tears will automatic will come out flow from my eyes.... :).. Sometime's u think's its a bit childish or what? I dont care already.. :P .......
nevermind, one day whoever will understand me and hear what i had bad experience's of my life.. :P One day i'll not be in this world with you all already... :P One day i'll be in heaven with my father.. :P Then my peace, soul & mind will be in fully in peace of mind.. :P Amen.. :P
****** Love Paulin
dancer_87 @ 4:31 AM