Monday, March 9, 2009

Im stress with work, b;coz the ppl treated me badly, so i cant stand it so i took leave for relax my mind and souls, so i the plc can release my stress is dancing all my fav's cls and meet all my good fren's, then my stress and tension will go away from my mind and soul.. Im so stress till my head wan to brust off already... LOL... sometimes ppl dont understand me will the life style at the work plc i was working in... :P hai yah...I really tension and stress working there.. i wanted to gv up on my job so many times already but i put a big sign NO there, if i do, then i wont have income to polish and establish my carreer in the future... I wont give up like that.. Now im looking and waiting for a good offer to work in and good company 2,.... :P i hope and pray for good signs now and always... :P ........Be mature young lady and think wisely.. No more young already.. time to grown up...

*** luvs paulin

dancer_87 @ 2:02 AM