Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yeah im glad that everything when well today, i saw my good fren mook, we sit down and che chat and spend good time talking with each other for few hrs today..

*** I went for zumba in the afternoon..!!!
*** Im going to go for another zumba later...
*** Need to burn fat b'coz i ate my fav desert cake just now with a fren... :P
So need to burn somemore fat after not, i become fat cat.... Wakakakak...
Im happy i lose some more weight and now need to keep the figure and keep up the good body shape... :P
*** already bought new cloth's so cannot put anymore weight on it already.... :P

*** Yeah the new lauch of zumba already..... Going to play the verson of zumba song's already.. SO damm fun and great... :P I love zumba alot.....
*** So happy everythin will go wellm by god grace and love.. :P

Im updating my blog at myoga.... :P

******* Luvs Paulin

dancer_87 @ 3:24 AM